Wednesday, January 22, 2014


I hate waiting.. I really do. I think I'm an an instant gratification kinda gal. I have so many things that I am waiting for right now, and I just want to wake up it be "THE DAY"... I seriously have countdown timers on my phone for them!! The first one is for a training convention trip where I will be reunited with my team (I really just sang in my head "Reunited and it feels so good"~ I may be delirious), that one is coming up pretty quick!! Little more than 2 weeks left! YAY! Here are some of the Beauts I will get to see!!
The next one isn't a specific date (as of yet) just a broad spectrum of time when my hubby could/should be home. For security purposes we won't know until right before he's coming that he's coming.. which stinks and is okay at the same time- I want him home safely so I don't mind the not knowing exactly, and it's less time to stress about having everything in it's place if you have to just scramble to get it done.. so for this reason, I don't mind waiting. :D So here's my love and I:
The last big thing coming up is we are taking our first Cruise. This one has a definite date in the spring- BUT I'm already on pinterest pinning ideas for outfits, and excursions, and photo ideas.. I'm such a dork! I can't wait to go to the Jungle and go snorkeling BUT hopefully most of all I can't wait to wear cute cruise outfits! I've been busting my hiney at the gym 5 days a week to try to get back into some sort of shape that isn't round.. lol I'm feeling stronger everyday so I will at least if not anything else be able to kick someone's ass if I need to during our cruise! LOL (Just kidding I'm a lover not a fighter- unless you have peanut m&m's because I'd fight you for them today)...

How patient are you when you are anticipating something??

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