Sunday, January 12, 2014

Drama Rama Llama?

This post probably won't be what you really think it is going to be about.. and shame on you thinking I would air my dirty laundry on my blog!! LOL J/K. :) So I hate drama in my life.. BUT I love to be "in" or know about someone else's .. I know that doesn't make me a drama queen.. but more like the drama witness? BUT when my friends and family hurt it hurts me, so I've learned over the years that Reality TV is a GREAT replacement, because a. I don't know them b. I can change the channel if it's too much and c. because it's usually been cleverly portrayed.. That being said some of the shows that are coming out lately are more than crazy.. I like to watch ones that have real life reality. Things that could happen to me or my friends- so the shows about millionaires aren't that interesting.. sorry rich people.. your "problems" in life over which designer shoe to wear or what celebrity isn't going to show up at your next house party.. Some of the shows have no correlation to my life but I watch them out of pure curiosity.. for example the shows about different faiths or shows about people who live in a city.. I will most likely never live downtown in a big city- so I like to see what their life is like, how is it different than mine.. (mostly they walk a lot! LOL). I watch shows about "dirty" people so that I will feel inspired to clean my house (this is so true- if you are on a reality show and your house is NASTY I will clean house while I watch- haha) Some reality shows make me cry because their struggles are near and dear to my heart or ones that I have been through myself. What does the Llama have to do with anything? Nothing at all other than it Rhymed!! I'm hoping that one day I will look back at some of the shows that I watched and realize that I learned something and that the time that the boob tube was on wasn't a complete waste of electricity.. I can tell you for sure the shows that were an epic failure had to do with coupons and stockpiling things.. things that when I moved I had to give away!! LOL I probably didn't learn much from the show about kids who do pageants.. other than if I ever had a daughter I don't think we'd do pageants.. I guess to each their own right? So what do you think about Reality Tv?? Do you watch it?? Have you ever learned anything from it?? Oh I did watch a bar show once and learned how to make an awesome drink! :) haha!!

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